
All students are expected to read each night for 15-20 minutes.

Beginning in the middle of September, the students will alternate between spelling and reader's response sheets as their homework in language arts. Spelling lists (5 words chosen specifically for your child) will come home on Monday and homework will be due on Friday. All spelling activities that your child has completed for the week are due on Friday. Please return the spelling list too. If your child did an activity that cannot be turned in, please send a note indicating what your child did (i.e. wrote spelling words on a white board). The following week, a reader's response sheet will be coming home on Monday and also due back on Friday. The reader's response sheet will be used in conjunction with a book that is chosen by each student. The students will be using strategies taught in class and practice these strategies with their chosen books.  

Math and Science homework will be sent home as needed. Students will always have two days to complete the assignments. 

More information will be given during our Back to School Night on September 6th.

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